Germany 73, America 45, Japan 15 and India 0, you will be thrilled to see these figures – India TV Hindi – AnyTV News

Germany 73, America 45, Japan 15 and India 0, you will be thrilled to see these figures – India TV Hindi – AnyTV News

Photo:REUTERS Fear of recession in America

Indian Economy News: The Indian economy continues to be the fastest growing economy among major countries. This is why the future of the Indian economy is bright in the times to come. Franklin Templeton has released Worldwide Recession Probability. In this, recession has been predicted for the countries in one year. These figures show that there are signs of recession in many developed countries of the world. These countries also include countries like America, UK, Germany and France.

The risk of recession is highest in Germany

Germany is most likely to face recession in the next one year. The recession probability for Germany is 73 percent. Italy is at second number. Recession probability for Italy is 65 percent. The third place is UK. Recession probability for the UK is 53 percent. Fourth number is from New Zealand. The probability of recession for New Zealand is 50 percent. For Canada also this estimate is 50 percent.

Fear of recession in America 45%

America is at sixth place in this list. The probability of recession for America is 45 percent. For Australia this estimate is 40 percent. The probability of recession for France is 35 percent. For South Africa this estimate is 30 percent. The probability of recession in Mexico is 25 percent. The probability of recession in Switzerland is 20 percent. For Spain this estimate is 15 percent. This estimate for Japan, South Korea and China is also 15 percent.

Fear of recession in India 0%

Talking about India, it is at the last place in this list. The recession forecast for India in the next one year is 0 percent. That means there is no possibility of recession in India. Indonesia is above India in the list, where the probability of recession is 2 percent. The probability of recession in Saudi Arabia is 10 percent. The recession in Brazil is also estimated at 10 percent.

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